Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Featured Fruit Sculpture: Watermelon

The internet has no shortage of sensationalized teasers penned by overenthusiastic 7th grader promising "The 10 Wackiest Motorcycle Sidecars!" or that "You Won't Believe These Pics Aren't Photoshopped" (they usually are) and begging like a carnival barker to be mass-emailed ad infinitum. The ability to tune out these potentially astonishing batches of white-noise is a necessary trait to develop if you plan on getting any quality browsing done nowadays.

That being said, every now and again someone carves an disturbingly vivid and car-wreck-captivating maw into that most refreshing of summer indulgences while the late-summer heat is at it's apex and Halloween hovers on the horizon. Then I'm happy to hand over my two bits to the barker and see the show. Also, there are lots of lovely flowers and eagles and fiddles and such.

Plenty more pictures of exquisitely carved melons here and here. (Though, viewer beware, both sites feature an overload of the aforementioned sensationalism)

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