Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fanfare for the Common Object

There is a certain breed of magazine (ReadyMade, Real Simple, etc) that will often have a short section, usually before you get into the meat of the magazine, in which readers will submit their favorite alternative uses for a standard household item. Sometimes they're inventive and practical (Light a piece of spaghetti when you need a long match! Use a coffee filter to strain out wine from a bottle with a broken cork!), and sometimes silly and obvious (Pull on a towel to strengthen your arms! Use a shower curtain for a tablecloth!), but they're always fun to read and inspire me to reconsider the potential of conventional stuff. Problem is, the article always seems to be limited to a page or two. However, I recently stumbled across an easy solution to this all-too-common problem. Using an everyday household computer, I simply go to, where I'm able to peruse crafty fixes just as long as I please. And even if you don't have a bottle of vodka on hand the next time you get stung by a jellyfish, you'll still find yourself looking at that bottle of vodka in the pantry in a whole new light.

Bonus use: You can also use this website to read my official favorite sentence of the day, courtesy of the all-knowing wikipedia. Are you curious as to what a sock is, and what its primary use might be? Well, simply put, "A sock is a knitted or woven type of hosiery garment for enclosing the human foot." A very practical use indeed. Of course, now that there's AltUse, enclosing the human foot is just the beginning.

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